1 |
Volume 6 |
Issue 2 |
Analysis of Visual Colour Perception using EEG Spectral Features |
Paulraj M P, Abdul Hamid Adom, Hema C R2, Divakar Purushothaman |
2 |
Volume 6 |
Issue 2 |
Stationary and Non-Stationary Vehicle Cabin Noise Level Identification Using Spectral Composite Features and Neural Networks |
Paulraj M P Sazali Yaacob Allan Melvin Andrew |
3 |
Volume 6 |
Issue 2 |
Fuzzy Logic Inference System for Voiced-Unvoiced-Silence Classification of Malaysian English Isolated Words based on Time-domain Features |
Yusnita MA Paulraj MP Sazali Yaacob Shahriman AB Satheesh Kumar Nataraj |
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Volume 6 |
Issue 2 |
Fuzzy C-Means Clustering Technique For Cancer Detection In Ultrasound Images |
Alamelumangai.N, Dr.DeviShree.J |
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Volume 6 |
Issue 2 |
A Novel Parallel Architecture for Elliptic Curve Cryptography Based on Modified Programmable Cellular Automata |
B.MuthuKumar, S.Jeevananthan |
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Volume 6 |
Issue 2 |
A Sequential Analysis based Approach in Wireless Sensor Networks |
Punam Borah |
7 |
Volume 6 |
Issue 2 |
Data Reduction Techniques in Data Mining |
A.Anbarasi and S. Santhosh Baboo |