Karpagam JCS

S.NO Volume Issue Title of the paper Author(s) View Article
1 Volume 15 Issue 1 Non-Invasive Wearable Sensor for Monitoring Chronic Diseases K.G.Dharani, Mugunthakumar.P, Preetha Ramamoorthy, Sahana Bargath Basheer
2 Volume 15 Issue 1 Overview The Internet of Things (IoT) System Architecture, Application and Related Future Technologies G.Anitha, K.Juliana Gnanaselvi, P.Rani, T.Pavithra
3 Volume 15 Issue 1 An Analysis of Al, Machine Learning & Deep Learning P.Nagarajan, S.Veni
4 Volume 15 Issue 1 Sleep and Awake Scheduling Algorithm in QOS V.Sangeetha
5 Volume 15 Issue 1 Artificial Intelligence based Evolving Ensemble Learning Model for Evolving Data Stream Classification S.Saravana Kumar
6 Volume 15 Issue 1 An Overview on Various Methods of Secure Picture Transmission J.Shaik Dawood Ansari, P.Tamilselvan
7 Volume 15 Issue 1 An overview of Smart Parking System using IoT K.Geetha
8 Volume 15 Issue 1 Recent Studies On Industry 4.0 with Internet-Based Applications in Small and Medium Industries K.Parameswari, J.Rajeswari
9 Volume 15 Issue 1 A Comprehensive Review on Feature Selection and Feature Extraction on Alzheimer’s A.Mujiba Parvin, S.Manju Priya
10 Volume 15 Issue 1 A Perspective Survey on Skin Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning C.Jahfar, E.J.Thomson Fredrik