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Volume 2 |
Issue 1 |
An Integrated Approach for Automated Authentication based on Multimodal Biometric System |
Devireddy Srinivasa kumar |
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Volume 2 |
Issue 1 |
Automatic Sentence Alignment Algorithm for Bilingual Hindi –Punjabi Parallel Text |
Vishal Guyal ,Gurdarshan Shingh Sandhu |
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Volume 2 |
Issue 1 |
Detection and Correction of Page Orientation in Monochrome Textual Document Image |
Vasudev.T, Hemantha kumar.G, Nagabhushan.P |
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Volume 2 |
Issue 1 |
Performance Modelling Based on Benchmark Data for Microcomputer Hardware |
Ibrahim Akman,Yasar Yesilcay |
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Volume 2 |
Issue 1 |
Modified Network Intrusion Production System Using Knowledge Base |
S.Jeya, Dr.K.Ramar |
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Volume 2 |
Issue 1 |
Secured on Demand Multi-Path Routing in Trusted Environment Based on Public Key Cryptography |
R. Praveen Sam , Dr P.Chandrasekhar Reddy,Dr .B.Stephen Charles |
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Volume 2 |
Issue 1 |
Wavelet Packet Image Compression Using Log Energy Entropy Cost Function |
S.Annadhurai,M.Sundaresan |